

Taking the financial workload off your plate

Bookkeeping and accounting for businesses seeking growth and financial security.

Our Services

What’s on the menu?
Accounting and Bookkeeping Services

& Bookkeeping

& Taxation

Business Advice
& Planning


Payroll & Employee


About Us

Ten X Advisors are on hand to serve up financial security, growth and scale.

We’re accountants and advisors who specialise in the design, implementation and operation of financial management systems for small businesses, just like yours.

What does that mean?

As qualified Chartered Accountants we’ll take the guess work out of setting up and running your business. With a wealth of industry experience we deliver you valuable insights to help your business grow. We provide you with the key information you need to run your business effectively.

We are not your traditional accounting service. We’re an entire finance department dedicated to supporting all areas of your business.

Business Advice

Business Advice and Accounting
for businesses

Ensure you’re paying the right people, the right amount, at the right time.

Save time and ensure
accuracy and compliance with
Paperless Record Keeping.

Provide timely simple reporting that cuts through the complexity of your business finances.

Handle all financial inquiries on your behalf.


Latest useful insights

Why your restaurant or cafe needs an accountant

Have you ever considered the time it takes to manage your books? How efficient are you, and how else could you spend that time? It’s true that simple bookkeeping can...

How to prevent fraud in your restaurant or café

The busy environment of a hospitality business requires a strong level of trust between employer and employee. As you’re growing your business, a certain level of your success will be...

Are you leaking money in your restaurant or café?

How many efficiencies do you think you could make across your business by taking ten minutes to watch each of your teams operate. We’re all pretty good at becoming cost...

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